Why RetireAboard.com is different from other 'live-aboard lifestyle' sites.

Developed with the real needs of retiring potential liveaboards in mind.

Based on real world experience without an agenda.

The developer and main author has 50 years experience designing, building and sailing a vast range of boats of all sizes and types. Having lived aboard at various times in a long career in the marine field, now retired aboard in the Candian pacific northwest, James is in a unique position to comment and write about life aboard as a practical option. As a builder of dozens of live-aboards for retirees and adventurers he has seen dreams unfold (and unravel). As a designer, he is famiiar with the process and perils of building or finding the boat to fulfill the dream. Pocket cruiser to offshore voyageur, the boat's the thing, your home and security afloat. Even the simplest boat is a complex set of conflicting tradeoffs. Finding the right balance requires reserach and time. This is the place to start. You are invited to join the forum and meet people with related (or vastly different) plans. Read James' blog and Santorini's log for the perspective of a seasoned mariner. The photo galleries showcase interesting boats, people and scenes from across the live-aboard spectrum. There is always something new there. You can always contribute an article with your own prespective on cruising, boats and living aboard.